Mission & Vision

Go therefore and make disciples...

The Mission

To present the full gospel to teach and disciple people to follow and have a relationship with Christ where they can grow into mature, fruitful leaders to impact their community through outreach and discipleship.

The Vision

We want to disciple Christians into maturity (knowing Jesus’ voice and following/obeying Him – John 10:27), where they discover their unique gifts in Christ to serve in church, in ministry, in outreach, in their calling, and wherever the Holy Spirit may lead them to impact the people in their live. We believe the early church in Acts gives a great example of how to accomplish this. We want to grow in faith, maturity, and service, rather than just numbers. We do not want to grow so large that we do not know the people and families who attend. We aim to have a congregation of believers who are doing life and ministry together, discipling one another as iron sharpens iron. As we grow, we want to grow leaders who can when called start a new church in a new location to impact and grow disciples in that community.

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